Strict, lovely
Caring, loving, guiding
Always tries to cook
Angel, attractive
Dancing, playing, travelling
Always tries to try
Devil, adorable
Dancing, singing, playing
Always dances to sing

Funny, silly
Sleeping, working, driving
Always works to work
The above poems are cinquains that follow the following format:
Cinquain poems are five-line poems that follow a specific syllable or word count pattern, often focusing on expressing a clear and concise image or idea. There are different types of cinquains, and the format used here is Didactic Cinquain:
- Line 1: One word (the title, usually a noun)
- Line 2: Two words (describing the title, usually adjectives)
- Line 3: Three words (showing action, usually verbs)
- Line 4: Four words (expressing a feeling or a complete thought)
- Line 5: One word (refers back to the title, often a synonym or related concept)
The above poems were taught in the classroom of Young Story Weavers by Sneha Goel to the students of grade 5.
About the writing coach, Sneha Goel, the best English Teacher in Guwahati:
Sneha Goel is a British Council–certified IELTS trainer, Scholastic India–mentored short story writer, certified phonics and public speaking educator. She is a published author, poet and diarist. Her reviews, blogs, poems, stories and thoughts are part of various international anthologies. Apart from writing, she is passionate about teaching English to children. She is a writing coach and English language development teacher who teaches English grammar, literature, creative writing, academic writing, story writing, poetry writing, phonics, public speaking and Spoken English to students from class 1 up to grown-ups. She has two books her students wrote to her credit: The Land of Mourns and Smell of Cinnamon. To know more about her writing, training and English language teaching services click here.