Author name: Sneha

ghost story

The Sweet Ghost

This story is written under the mentorship of Sneha Goel, the best writing coach and English teacher in Guwahati.   The Forges who were a family of five lived happily in the icy mountains of Glacier. They were very sweet and caring. Especially their middle daughter, Mila Forge. She was an enthusiastic little lad. But …

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Why I Wrote an Heartfelt Letter to the Author of On Angels’ Wings

Those who know me understand that I am emotional, observe human emotions and make note of them. When I received an anonymous book from an anonymous writer, I flipped through the pages to find forewords written by renowned journalist Barkha Dutt, Senior Journalist from Ottawa Terry Milewski and Senior Advocate of Supreme Court Sanjoy Ghose. …

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My experience of domestic violence

Domestic Violence is Cruelty upon Women- Journey From Being a Victim to Survivor

When the world is talking about flying cars and 3D communication, 30% of women in the world are inflicted with violence that doesn’t come from outside their known circle of people but from inside their houses. Are you a victim of Domestic Violence? This question remains unanswered by many women as they still don’t know …

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